White 10 Network Closet

Date: December 9th, 2021
From: Shasha Graves
Device/System: Patient monitoring equipment/network
Clinical area(s) affected: White 10
All the patient monitoring equipment on White 10 was cut over to the tele/data closet on the floor. The GCX arms on the bedside monitors were also replaced. For questions, contact Shasha.

Update from Shasha Graves and Steve Thomas:
We got some calls earlier today regarding the overhead speaker volume being too low. We did some troubleshooting and noticed if we increase the volume so that the parameter alarms are louder, the technical alarm becomes too loud according to staff. We adjusted the amplifier to the best of our ability to balance the volume levels between the two types of alarms. Staff seemed satisfied with these settings. Contact Shasha or Steve if you get additional calls regarding this issue.

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