Staff News

Welcome Nelson Su, new Clinical Systems Engineer!

Nelson joined our engineering group the first week of January. He is our second Clinical Systems Engineer. Nelson will be located at our 50 Staniford Street office. Nelson completed his bachelor’s degree in Biomedical and Electrical Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa in April of 2021. He previously completed a few co-op opportunities as an […]

Welcome Nelson Su, new Clinical Systems Engineer! Read More »

Welcome Site Operations Manager Mara Atwood!

Mara Atwood joined MGH Biomedical Engineering in early January in a new role as our Site Operations Manager for the community hospitals we support – Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, and Nantucket Cottage Hospital.  In this role, Mara will be distributing her time among the three hospitals, serving as our primary “account manager” and spending

Welcome Site Operations Manager Mara Atwood!
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Congratulations to Jon Walsh on his promotion to Senior BMET!

Congratulations to Jon Walsh on his promotion to Senior Biomedical Engineering Technician. Jon has been a stalwart member of the Ambulatory team and, prior to that, the Evening Team since he joined MGH Biomedical Engineering in 2013. From the beginning, Jon has exemplified our department’s values – technical competence, a strong work ethic, a desire

Congratulations to Jon Walsh on his promotion to Senior BMET!
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Welcome New Clinical Engineer, Jackie Bertan

Jackie has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan College of Engineering and an MS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Connecticut. She also gained Clinical Engineering experience during her UConn internship at Boston Children’s Hospital. She had the opportunity to work on projects including infusion pump upgrades, AED and defib

Welcome New Clinical Engineer, Jackie Bertan Read More »

Congratulations to new Clinical Engineer, Oliver Nigro

Oliver is a recent graduate of the Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Connecticut. He had been working with us as a Clinical Engineering intern during his co-ops through Wentworth Institute of Technology and the UConn internship program. During that time, he collaborated in multiple projects including those related to

Congratulations to new Clinical Engineer, Oliver Nigro Read More »

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