CBET, CLES, and CRES Certification

ACI Certification for the Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) is a formal recognition by the AAMI Credentials Institute (ACI) that individuals have demonstrated excellence in theoretical as well as practical knowledge of the principles of biomedical equipment technology.

Purpose of certification

In today’s healthcare market, technology is paramount. The need for a workforce knowledgeable in the theory of operation, underlying physiological principles, and safe application of biomedical equipment is a central concern of many hospitals and companies. Certification demonstrates that successful applicants have the knowledge to ensure a safe, reliable healthcare environment. It also demonstrates to employers a significant commitment to career and competence.

Types of certification

The ACI maintains certification programs for biomedical equipment technicians (CBET), laboratory equipment specialists (CLES), and radiology equipment specialists (CRES). One certification is not a prerequisite for another. Each certification—CBET, CLES, CRES—requires a separate, complete application and a separate examination. Applicants may test in only one discipline per testing window.

Click here to visit AAMI for more information.

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